Initial complimentary 15 minute phone consultation prior to scheduling your first appointment. This is to give you an opportunity to find out how naturopathic medicine can benefit you. 

Your first visit can be located at the office or as a house call. You will spend 60-90 minutes thoroughly reviewing your case with Dr. Chaney. This time also includes any necessary physical examinations. The initial consult includes a comprehensive health history, dietary assessment, and general recommendations.

Follow up visits will be scheduled in 15–90 minute intervals and can be scheduled as an office visit, house call or phone consultation.


FEES: Office Visits, Phone Consultations, House Calls

15 Minutes:   $250

30 Minutes:   $275

45 Minutes:   $300

60 Minutes:  $325

75 Minutes:  $350

90 Minutes:  $375


To cancel an appointment, please give 24 hours notice so the time will be available for another patient.

Please do not let fees discourage you from scheduling an appointment. Dr. Chaney is willing to work with you.
Please call Chaney Integrative Family Medicine to discuss your situation.

In order to change we must
be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
— Unknown Author


Payment is expected in full at the time services are rendered. Dr. Chaney does not accept insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. We will provide you with a 'superbill' that contains all the information (CPT code, ICD-9, office charge) necessary for you to submit a claim to your insurance company.


Chaney Integrative Family Medicine cannot guarantee insurance coverage, nor does the office bill insurance directly. Every insurance company has a form for filing out-of-network benefits. The 'superbill' has all the information that the insurance company needs. Simply attach it to the completed insurance company form.


These accounts can often be used to cover visits, lab fees and recommended supplements. Please check with your plan administrator for specific information.